How do I go to the front page? Click on the blue alien head at the top left to go to the front page. What God's Algorithm results are known? You can click on the lemniscate to the right to see a list of God's Algorithm type calculations for various groups. This is a work in progress. How do I post a table with white space in it? The easiest way is to use the html
tag, e.g.:1 10 25 2 30 125 3 50 1000How do I post pictures? Place html in the post or comment like this:Off-topic links are deleted. Anything not math or puzzle related is off-topic. What do these acronyms mean? SPTM = Simultaneously Possible Turn Metric (also called ATM) ATM = Axial Turn Metric STM = Slice Turn Metric QTM = Quarter Turn Metric FTM = Face Turn Metric How do I contact the admin? To contact the admin of this site send emails to: cubexyz at gmail dot com How do I get my account approved? Due to constant spamming new users must email cubexyz at gmail dot com and explain why they want an account here. A short note on your specific interests on Rubik's Cube and math should be sufficient.