An Alternate Universe of the Cube
I've been meaning to explore new variations on the 3x3x3 cube for a while and I think I've come up with something new.
If we consider the rotation of a 2x2x2 block as one move, say the UFR block, and call it the z-move for lack of a better name. Now all sorts of weird stuff becomes possible, e.g. (z, C_U2)^6 will generate a 5-spot pattern! The centres cycle (U,L,R,B,F) in befuddler notation.
So in this particular universe of the 3x3x3 cube we are considering 8 corner moves which move a 2x2x2 block rather than the usual 6 face moves. I won't spoil all the fun, but a 3-spot, 4-spot and 6-spot are possible and these spots patterns are quite different from what is possible in the 'normal' universe of the cube.
All this is merely a first step towards a program where the user can define their own moves on the 3x3x3 cube. Think of a flip-cube where the user could flip a face or 1x3x3 area of the cube 180 degrees. This would require a true 27-cube matrix instead of a normal Rubik's Cube so when you flip a face you still get colours all around, but I think it would be interesting enough as an alternate squares group.