God's algorithm for megaminx <U,R>

Today I finished running a disk-based breadth first search through megaminx <U,R>. The diameter is 26.
Depth              New            Total
    0                1                1
    1                8                9
    2               32               41
    3              128              169
    4              512              681
    5             2048             2729
    6             8176            10905
    7            32400            43305
    8           128608           171913
    9           509927           681840
   10          2021092          2702932
   11          8003554         10706486
   12         31678834         42385320
   13        125307530        167692850
   14        495157495        662850345
   15       1953478687       2616329032
   16       7682157029      10298486061
   17      29984818955      40283305016
   18     114831820323     155115125339
   19     417957132495     573072257834
   20    1325871801018    1898944058852
   21    2934550836931    4833494895783
   22    2736869164561    7570364060344
   23     427540149248    7997904209592
   24       1770867597    7999675077189
   25             7595    7999675084784
   26               16    7999675084800
   27                0    7999675084800

Date: 2024-09-14 to 2024-09-22
Time: 7 days 3 hours
Total disk I/O: 227 TiB (113.35 TiB write, 113.63 TiB read) across four 4TB HDDs
Hardware: HP Z820 with two 12 core Xeon E5-2697 V2 processors, 176GB memory
The 16 positions that take 26 moves are the ones with 7 corners twisted one way, and 1 corner twisted the other way. The 25 move positions are listed here.