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Forum topicInteresting Problem/Puzzle/Game dukerox759310/29/2010 - 07:37
Forum topicInterdimensional Cubes cubex06/17/2010 - 23:11
Forum topicInterchanging two faces brac3711/23/2011 - 13:09
Forum topicInner Automorphisms and Outer Automorphisms Jerry Bryan10/29/2010 - 08:25
Forum topicIndependent proof of 26-move upper bound for half-turn metric rokicki10/29/2010 - 07:48
Personal blog entryInappropriate links cubex10/29/2010 - 07:31
Forum topicIn search of: 21f*s and 20f*s; a four month odyssey. rokicki10/29/2010 - 08:12
StoryHow to Compute Optimal Solutions for All 164,604,041,664 Symmetric Positions of Rubik's Cube silviu10/29/2010 - 08:11
Forum topicHow many 26q* maneuvers are there? Bruce Norskog06/06/2013 - 19:25
Forum topicHow Close Are We to God's Algorithm? Jerry Bryan10/29/2010 - 07:45