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Forum topic4x4x4 upper bounds: 57 OBTM confirmed; 56 SST and 53 BT calculated. rokicki03/09/2015 - 10:43
Forum topic4x4 only two blocks from solved Rubikehv7509/02/2019 - 15:23
Forum topicPSL(2,7) embeds in the 2x2x2 cube group secondmouse02/13/2011 - 11:38
Forum topicFive generator group of the 3x3x3 cube secondmouse10/03/2013 - 13:27
Forum topic3-face subgroup of the 3x3x3 cube secondmouse10/29/2010 - 07:16
StorySolving Rubik's cube in 40 quarter turns silviu10/29/2010 - 08:25
StoryRubik can be solved in 35q silviu10/29/2010 - 08:16
StoryRubik's cube can be solved in 34 quarter turns silviu10/29/2010 - 07:52
Forum topicNew optimal solutions for an important group silviu10/29/2010 - 08:16
StorySolving Rubik's cube in 36 quarter turns silviu06/17/2010 - 23:02