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Forum topicTwo Face Group B MacKenzie06/01/2012 - 02:39
Forum topicEnumerating all of 3x3x3 cube space - required performance characteristics Jerry Bryan06/01/2012 - 02:39
Forum topicRelationship of Duplicate Positions and Non-Trivial Identities Jerry Bryan06/01/2012 - 02:39
Forum topicLower bound using the Edges antipode mdlazreg06/01/2012 - 02:39
StoryResults of two more cosets of the H group, this time face turn metric. rokicki06/01/2012 - 02:39
Forum topicIrreducible Loops Peter06/01/2012 - 02:39
Forum topicCalculating Symmetry using Representative Elements Jerry Bryan06/01/2012 - 02:39
Forum topicChallenge with three faces brac3706/01/2012 - 02:36
Forum topicSome 3-color cube results Bruce Norskog06/01/2012 - 02:36
Forum topicConjugacy classes of the cube mdlazreg06/01/2012 - 02:36