Linear formula
Submitted by mdlazreg on Mon, 09/28/2009 - 08:13.
Let's assume that there is a linear formula that gives us P(n) using P(k) where 0 <= k <= n-1. P(n) is the number of positions at depth n.
We have then the following formula:
P(n) = sum(R(k)*P(n-k)) for 1 <= k <= n
Calculating R(k) using rokiki's results we deduce :
We have then the following formula:
P(n) = sum(R(k)*P(n-k)) for 1 <= k <= n
Calculating R(k) using rokiki's results we deduce :
1 12 = 12*1 2 114 = 12*12 -30*1 3 1068 = 12*114 -30*12 +60*1 4 10011 = 12*1068 -30*114 +60*12 -105*1 5 93840 = 12*10011 -30*1068 +60*114 -105*12 +168*1 6 878880 = 12*93840 -30*10011 +60*1068 -105*114 +168*12 -996*1 7 8221632 = 12*878880 -30*93840 +60*10011 -105*1068 +168*114 -996*12 +-5448*1 8 76843595 = 12*8221632 -30*878880 +60*93840 -105*10011 +168*1068 -996*114 +-5448*12 +-29338*1 9 717789576 = 12*76843595 -30*8221632 +60*878880 -105*93840 +168*10011 -996*1068 +-5448*114 +-29338*12 +-209196*1 10 6701836858 = 12*717789576 -30*76843595 +60*8221632 -105*878880 +168*93840 -996*10011 +-5448*1068 +-29338*114 +-209196*12 +-1466540*1 11 62549615248 = 12*6701836858 -30*717789576 +60*76843595 -105*8221632 +168*878880 -996*93840 +-5448*10011 +-29338*1068 +-209196*114 +-1466540*12 +-12951572*1 12 583570100997 = 12*62549615248 -30*6701836858 +60*717789576 -105*76843595 +168*8221632 -996*878880 +-5448*93840 +-29338*10011 +-209196*1068 +-1466540*114 +-12951572*12 +-123874230*1 13 5442351625028 = 12*583570100997 -30*62549615248 +60*6701836858 -105*717789576 +168*76843595 -996*8221632 +-5448*878880 +-29338*93840 +-209196*10011 +-1466540*1068 +-12951572*114 +-123874230*12 +-1299701980*1 14 50729620202582 = 12*5442351625028 -30*583570100997 +60*62549615248 -105*6701836858 +168*717789576 -996*76843595 +-5448*8221632 +-29338*878880 +-209196*93840 +-1466540*10011 +-12951572*1068 +-123874230*114 +-1299701980*12 +-16393858750*1 15 472495678811004 = 12*50729620202582 -30*5442351625028 +60*583570100997 -105*62549615248 +168*6701836858 -996*717789576 +-5448*76843595 +-29338*8221632 +-209196*878880 +-1466540*93840 +-12951572*10011 +-123874230*1068 +-1299701980*114 +-16393858750*12 +-258524867460*1One might ask what is the signification of R(k).